Our mission

We are pro-technology and recognise that the future of the UK economy is dependent on emerging technologies. But we seek to ensure that the UK government ensures that these techs demonstrate that there is evidence of no harm for all residents of the UK and that our government and relevant industries are accountable for known human safety threats.

We will take the UK government to court in order to change its policy on man-made radiofrequency radiation which includes 5G.

We want to ensure that the telecoms and related industries involved in the roll out of wireless technology are required to deploy equipment and gadgets which are safe for us all.

We also want the estimated 800,000+ residents in the UK suffering from electrohypersensitivity to be protected from harm, to be able to engage in public life and to visit public areas without feeling ill.

We must raise £150,000 to fund the campaign. We need your help.

What We’ve Achieved so far:

UK residents are unaware of the harm that is being caused to themselves, their children and babies who are exposed to man-made radiofrequency radiation to the extent that they are so exposed in today’s world.  

This case will, hopefully, change the government’s stance and ensure that they are aware of the potential harm so that they can either agree to participate in a man-made RFR environment or they can live in their homes and public spaces free from man-made RFR.

Help us to protect your future.

Many of the estimated 800,000+ people who are electrohypersensitive have a limited involvement in public life or are excluded from public life because man-made RFR in public spaces is so prevalent that they feel ill in such environments. Some are prisoners in their own homes, unable to go out and they struggle to live a normal life.  They are ignored by the government and marginalised. A change in policy will, at the very least, see safe corridors being formed for such persons so that they too can participate in public life by enjoying public spaces and public venues.

Help them to be heard.